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Villas and apartments & business for sale
SunholsDirect is not an Estate Agent and does not have an interest in any property for sale other than as an advertisng agent. We do not accept commissions or any other form of payment other than those payments advertised. That is to say the cost of advertising on the website. FOR SALE PAGES

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The price of advertising your property for sale is Euros 200.00 and the ad. will stay in force for a full 12 months unless you ask us to remove it sooner which you may do by phone or email.
Visits to this site exceed  60,000 per month and  remember we are Only on the Costa del Sol & Costa Tropical so this is very intensive advertising - every visitor has a declared interest in property on the Costa del Sol & Costa Tropical..
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For Sale

Golfing holidays, horse riding, walking, mountain climbing, beach vacations, on the Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical
(c) SunholsDirect 2003; Apartments and villas for holiday rental throughout the Costa Tropical, Costa del Sol and the Algarve. Direct from the owners
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